Are the Liquor Stores in your state open on Memorial Day 2017? Monday is Memorial Day, which is a Federal holiday, and that means many people in the U.S. have a three-day weekend. Celebrations will emerge around the backyard grills in the nation today and along with those hotdogs and hamburgers, lots of cold beer, wine, and alcoholic drinks will be served.
Baystate residents out of luck
Hopefully many had the foresight to stock up on all the needed alcohol provisions for your Memorial Day celebrations, including any liquor you wanted to serve. If you didn't and you live in a state such as Massachusetts, which is one of the states not allowing liquor sales today, you are out of luck.
Massachusetts does not allow the sale of liquor on Memorial Day, according to Patch.
Connecticut is a 'yes'
For those in Massachusetts who live along the Connecticut border, you're in luck because neighboring Connecticut allows the sale of liquor, beer, and wine on Memorial Day.
Pennsylvania had the same law, which does not allow the sale of alcohol, up until recently when a new law that allows the sale of liquor on certain holidays came into play. Memorial Day is one of the holidays on which liquor, beer, and wine can be sold since the passage of Act 39 in Pennsylvania, meaning the state liquor store locations that are typically open on Mondays, will open today, Memorial Day 2017. The locations that normally are closed on Monday will remain closed.
States without state-run liquor stores
According to Legal Beer, Kansas is one of the states that does not allow liquor sales on Memorial Day. The Heavy reports there are some states that "do not have state-controlled liquor sales and distribution," which are listed below:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Oklahoma
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Washington D.C.
- Wisconsin
While these states don't sell alcoholic beverages out of state-run stores, you still need to check the website for your state's liquor laws to make sure the sale of liquor, wine, and beer is allowed on Memorial Day.
Make sure you go to an updated version because times are changing, which is evident in Pennsylvania.
Updated versions
If you find any rules or regulations regarding Pennsylvania selling liquor on Memorial Day from a year or two ago, the answer to your question, "Are liquor stores open on Memorial Day in that state would be, "no." But for the year 2017 and beyond, that answer has been changed to "yes."
Even if your state allows the sale of alcohol on Memorial Day, some will have holiday hours, so that is another thing you might want to check before heading out today.
Whether or not you can buy alcohol on this holiday, if you plan on drinking alcoholic beverages or you are hosting a party where alcohol will be served, do not Drink And Drive or let your guests drink and drive.
This if for the obvious reason of saving lives on the road. Memorial Day is one of those holidays where road blocks for DUI checks litter the highways and roads of the nation from state to state. While you might feel fine, if you are over the state's limit for alcohol in your system, you are in a world of trouble. Be smart, just don't drink and drive!