Bruce Fanning, 59, was arrested on suspicion of second-degree murder for the shooting death of an intruder in his property on Saturday. The Mason County Sheriff’s Office said Fanning was arrested on Monday.

Homeowner finds intruder in the shower

As reported by KOMO News, Fanning owns two properties in Belfair, Wash., located next door to each other. According to Lt. Travis Adams of the Mason County Sheriff’s Office, Fanning discovered on Saturday at around 8 a.m.

that the door of the adjoining property, where he runs an Internet business, had been kicked in and the screen was lying on the ground. On entering the house, he discovered an intruder showering in the bathroom. Fanning believed the stranger to be under the influence of alcohol and reportedly they exchanged words. He then left the house, heading to his home next door to retrieve his handgun. Fanning then returned to the house, firing four shots through the shower curtain and killing the intruder. Fanning then reportedly called the police.

No sign of physical altercation or threat to homeowner

According to Adams, they identified the victim as Nathaniel Joseph Rosa, 31, a resident of Bothell, Wash.

That city is reportedly located in the greater Seattle metropolitan area, some two hours northeast of Mason County.

Adams said that to all indications, the man was undressed and taking a shower in the home. He said there was no evidence of a physical altercation between the two men. Adams added that as far as police are aware, there was only an exchange of words between Fanning and the intruder and no sign that Fanning was threatened in anyway. Rosa said the intruder did not appear to be armed and police do not believe the two men knew each other. The Mason County Sheriff’s Office issued a statement Monday to confirm their investigation did not support Fanning’s claim of shooting the intruder in self-defense and that the matter has been referred to the Mason County prosecutor.

Under the washington state version of the “Stand Your Ground” law, citizens are allowed to protect themselves, their family and property from intruders. However, The New York Times quotes a criminal defense lawyer in the state, Todd Maybrown, as saying anyone defending themselves or their property is still barred from using excessive force. According to Maybrown the current situation is an “odd scenario,” saying the homeowner should have called the police on discovering the intruder, rather than taking any lethal action against him.

Victim was an elementary school teaching assistant

The New York Daily News reports that Rosa – the intruder using the shower on Fanning’s property – was an elementary school Teaching Assistant, employed since 2015 at Woodmoor Elementary in Bothell.

Angela Kerr, the principal of the school said that Rosa’s death is a “devastating loss” to their school community and that he was a dedicated and compassionate educator who made a difference in many people’s lives.