April 22, Earth Day, marks the annual celebration of the modern environmental movement. Founded by Gaylord Nelson, a then U.S. Senator, in 1970, it is an annual reminder to the public to practice environmental consciousness.
Nelson created Earth Day after witnessing the massive oil spill in Santa Barbara in 1969 and gaining inspiration from the student anti-war movement. He realized that if the energy of such motivated students was focused on the task of creating public awareness about air and water pollution, the environment stood a chance -- environmental protection could make it onto the national agenda.
The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970.
20 million Americans joined demonstrations to fight for a sustainable environment. They came together on the issues. They fought for a joint cause. The end of 1970 saw the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts, as detailed by the Earth Day Network.
Earth Day 2017 marks the 47th annual celebration of our environment.
This year's campaign was Environment and Climate Literacy. Countries around the world took part in demonstrations and celebrations of our Planet Earth.
New York City hosted a Sustainability and Social Good Pop-Up, in which over 70 organizations in support of sustainability and social responsibility were featured.
In Johannesburg, South Africa, where Earth Day is known as International Mother Earth Day, there was an exposition known as the Rand Show which featured educational forums on issues such as nutrition, technology, and sustainable entrepreneurship. Lanjaron, Spain held a 24-hour Global Unity and Regeneration Gathering with workshops and presentations on awakening, healing, and environmentalism. One of the largest celebrations particularly across the United States was the March for Science, in which science lovers came together to fight for evidence-based government policies and environmental protection. Various celebrities came together in celebration, such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen DeGeneres.
Even U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted his appreciation, which was however immediately met with backlash.
The world has come together to fight for our planet. We have made change happen in the past, we have made change happen today, and we will continue our fight endlessly.