After Dr. David Dao was forcibly removed from a united airlines overbooked flight on Sunday in Chicago to give way to an employee of the air carrier, a big lawsuit looms for the embattled company. Thomas Demetrio, the lawyer of Dao, said on Friday that his client is considering suing United.
Physical injuries
After his forcible ejection from the United Express Flight 3411 to Louisville, the 59-year-old lung doctor from Kentucky remains confined in a Chicago hospital for treatment of his injuries. Dao suffered a concussion, lost two front teeth, and has a broken nose, Reuters reported.
Following the backlash over the incident after the video of the Department of Aviation officer using force to drag Dao off the flight became viral, United just changed its policy. The airline ordered that crew who would travel on a United flight must be booked into seats 60 minutes before departure.
The new policy targets to prevent a repeat of the situation similar to what happened to Dao. The air carrier is also reviewing its policies to ensure it delivers the best customer experience. The incident caused shares of the company to drop 2.6 percent since Friday by $1.81. It shaved $569.5 million off this week from the market capitalization of United.
More apologies needed
United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz had apologized to Dao.
But it seems he needs to make more apologies to other passengers wronged by the air carrier’s staff. After Dao’s video became viral, more horror stories about the wrong way, the company’s employees treat travelers who are correct in asserting their rights as paying passengers have emerged.
Mashable reported on what happened to Trey Harris who posted on Thursday an incident which occurred in early March involving his Segway miniPro.
He and his new husband were on their way to their honeymoon in San Diego where they planned to board a cruise ship.
Harris suffers from spondylitis which made walking difficult that was why he brought along a Segway miniPro to help improve his mobility. The Department of Transportation and Transport Security Administration had approved for Harris to bring on the flight from Newark the mobility device.
Device prone to exploding?
An employee of United, however, prevented Harris from checking the Segway because of the confusion it is a hoverboard which has incidents of explosions. Harris called a special needs representative from United to tell the airport staff the mobility gadget is allowed on flights, but the staff called the pilot to give his assessment.
He was forced to leave the Segway at the airport and upon reaching San Diego rented a scooter that cost the couple a few hundred dollars. While in the middle of their cruise, Harris was informed by United that he abandoned a hazardous material at Newark airport which a hazmat team handled. He was threatened with arrest and a fine for the disposal of the Segway.
The message stressed Harris during the rest of his honeymoon. Although he was not arrested when he arrived at Newark where the Segway was returned with no fine or charges, Harris is seeking only an apology from United and not compensation for the wrong done him. The couple plans to return to San Diego next year, hopefully with the mobility device.
Meanwhile, following the ruckus caused by Dao’s manhandling, United will refund the fares of all the passengers on Flight 3411.