Two days after WikiLeaks released the highly intriguing Vault 7 to the world, a British politician who is known as a staunch and close ally of President trump on Thursday visited the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where beleaguered WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is currently living.

On March 10, Nigel Farage, the top activist of Britain’s Exit from the European Union and the former leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, allegedly spent about 40 minutes at the embassy.

When asked about his visit, he told BuzzFeed News that he could not remember what he was doing there and declined to answer if he had met with Julian Assange.

It can be recalled that during the presidential race last year, WikiLeaks released hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman. The series of leaks was believed to have a massive effect on Clinton's candidacy.

The U.S. intelligence community claimed that Russia was responsible for the hacks that steered to the leaks. Assange denied obtaining the hacked emails from Russia. Explicitly, Assange did not endorse Trump.

However, WikiLeaks Twitter account at times appears to defend Trump or attack those who oppose him.

Assange and U.S. Politics

For the past years in the embassy, Julian Assange seemed to have pale from significance. In 2012, he sought asylum in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London’s Knightsbridge district running away from a Swedish investigation into sexual assault.

Inside this newfound sanctuary, Assange was denied of full internet access and even sunlight. His recent dump of leaked documents allegedly exposing the CIA’s biggest and vilest activities has made him relevant again to the U.S politics.

WikiLeaks Vault 7

Assange once again is raising the banner as an advocate and champion of transparency and a venomous sting in the side of the CIA, if not, the U.S.

government. He is even calling the most recent expose, a massive scoop of journalism.

WikiLeaks’ latest release consists of 8,761 documents from a CIA unit allegedly involved in global hacking. The documents exposed to the world CIA’s abilities to take control of smartphones, enable microphones in smart television sets and even embed exploits on offline devices

Farage and Trump

Meanwhile, Nigel Farage has established a close allegiance with Trump. He was very visible during the presidential race, often appearing on Trump’s side on the campaign trail. Moreover, he has also shown his support to the then real estate mogul, by attending presidential debates. Trump, on his part, has also spoken highly of Farage, flattering his efforts on the Brexit.

BuzzFeed News reported that Nigel Farage has no known connection with Julian Assange. Whatever took place during the 40-minute visit in the Ecuadorian Embassy will soon come to light. For now, let us just settle with the fact that the visit happened.