Two former allies of Gov. Chris Christie received their sentence for the George Washington Bridge scandal. According to New York Times, Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni received their sentences--- both will serve some jail time.

The Bridgegate scandal sentencing

Kelly was a top aide to Christie and was sentenced to 18 months in prison for her role in closing access lane access to the George Washington Bridge.

Baroni served as executive director of Port Authority of New York and New Jersey was sentenced to two years.

The Bridgegate Scandal shot down any chance that Chris Christie had to become president and later affected Trump's decision not to ask him to be his running mate.

What was the scandal about?

In 2013, members of the governor's office decided to punish Mayor Mark Sokolich of Fort Lee for not backing Christie for a re-election bid. The governor's office schemed with the Port Authority officials and triggered a massive traffic jam.

The plan was reportedly put into motion after Kelly sent the Port Authority an email that said, "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee."

The Bridgegate scandal was one of the biggest in New Jersey history. Both Kelly and Baroni plan to appeal their sentencing.