It's no secret that Donald Trump is not a fan of the mainstream media. However, the president has been close with most members of Fox News, which was evident following a Tuesday morning tweet.
Trump on Fox News
From the early days of his campaign for president, Donald Trump has made it clear that he wasn't going to be on the same page as the majority of the news media. While the former host of "The Apprentice" clashed with the press on a routine basis, he did find a mostly safe space on Fox News, as the conservative commentators gave favorable coverage to Trump throughout the entire 2016 presidential election.
Since being sworn into office, Trump's relationship with reporters and journalists has only gotten worse, which as prompted the president to cater even more to the right-wing media. After Trump took to Twitter to promote Tuesday's "Fox & Friends," the show followed through by airing a conspiracy theory about former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta on March 28.
Watch @foxandfriends now on Podesta and Russia!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2017
Taking to his Twitter feed early Tuesday morning, Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to tune in to "Fox & Friends" on Fox News. "Watch @foxandfriends now on Podesta and Russia!" Trump tweeted out. It was an odd occurrence since the president's social media message came before the show even ran their segment on the Clinton campaign and John Podesta.
In the Fox News segment, co-host Steve Doocy interviewed Peter Schweitzer, the author of "Clinton Cash," where the two discussed John Podesta's alleged involvement on the board of a directors for a Russian-based energy company. The news comes at a time where Donald Trump and the White House have done everything in their power to deflect from the current scandal linking them to the Kremlin.
Over the weekend, Trump also promoted another Fox News hosts' show, Judge Jeanine Pirro, who ended up calling for the resignation of House Speaker Paul Ryan after the Republican's health care bill failed to gain enough support in Congress to even be put up for a vote.
Trump Plugs Fox & Friends (Again) and Clinton Hit Piece on Twitter
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) March 28, 2017 (VIDEO)
Moving forward
Despite the overwhelming evidence that has linked Donald Trump and his associates back to Russia, the billionaire real estate mogul still denies any wrongdoing. On Monday night, the president used Twitter once again, this time claiming that the Clintons were involved in shady dealings with the Russian government.