After Donald Trump was elected president, it was only a matter of time before he attempted to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. Despite this, Trump's effort failed after the House Freedom Caucus opposed his health care reform bill, which hasn't gone over well with the president.
Trump on Twitter
Over the last eight years, Republicans had made it one of their top goals to oppose Obamacare at all costs, using it as a major talking point when pushing back against the Democratic Party.
During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump vowed to get rid of Obamacare as soon as possible, which helped rally enough conservative voters by his side to vault him to victory last November. Earlier this month, Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan came together to reveal the American Health Care Act, which was supposed to be the health care reform that united the Republican Party and replaced the current law on the books. However, the House Freedom Caucus refused to back the bill, which forced Trump to pull the bill before a vote could even take place. Since then, the president has put the blame on those conservatives who wouldn't support the plan, which continued in a March 30 tweet.
Taking to his Twitter account on Thursday morning, President Donald Trump is still not over his health care bill failing to get support. "The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast," Trump threatened in a tweet, before adding, "We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!"
Trump's turn
Donald Trump's tweet comes just a day after Speaker of the House Paul Ryan sat down with CBS News and warned House Republicans that the president could soon turn on the party and work strictly with Democrats on health care if Republicans didn't get on board with the commander in chief. While Trump did initially put some of the blame on Democrats for the bill not being put up for a vote in the House of Representatives, the former host of "The Apprentice" has increased his attacks on his fellow Republicans in recent days, causing and even further divide on the political right at a time when conservatives were supposed to be unified.