Everyone has been watching April, the Giraffe and waiting on her to have her baby. The live cam should actually show her Give Birth, but today the camera went down for a little while, and fans worried that something might be wrong with April. It was actually down for about two hours.
What happened to April today?
Cnet shared that April the giraffe's live cam did go down today, but that didn't mean that anything was wrong.
Instead, there was actually something wrong with the camera. Luckily, April the giraffe is just fine. Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, New York got their camera fixed, and it is back up once again. It looks like everything is finally fixed and you can watch April again.
They posted on their Facebook page saying that the cam was down, but this didn't keep everyone from emailing them wanting to know what was going on. The put up a post about April the giraffe saying, "We are aware. Receiving 2,000 emails to tell us it's down, only slows us and the computers down. Please refrain." YouTube was showing repeat streams, and Twitter went crazy too wondering what was going on with April's camera.
The camera going down wasn't something that they expected at all and they fixed it as quick as possible. Some people spend all day watching April and they were not happy with how long it took them to get it fixed.
Everyone is waiting to see April have her baby. April is fifteen-years-old, and this is her fourth calf. This is the first for daddy Oliver, who is just five-years-old. When April has her baby, it will be about six foot tall already and weigh about 150 lbs. Everyone is so excited to get to watch April the giraffe have her baby, which should be here at any time. Fans of April were not happy to hear that once she gives birth, they won't be leaving the camera up so that everyone can watch her with her baby for a while.
Were you worried about April the giraffe today when the camera went down? Have you been watching and waiting for her to give birth? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts.