The flu can make you late for work, miss school, ignore your kids, and just make you downright miserable. Well did you know that dogs can get the flu, too?

Two cases of the flu have been recorded in dogs within the past 16 years. Through an experiment led by Dr. Luis Martinez-Sobrido of Rochester, New York - man's best friend will not have to suffer the consequences of this annoying illness thanks to a temperature sensitive vaccination.

The virus was created the same way vaccines for humans are created. By creating a chemical concoction that requests the fighting part of the immune system respond to the virus, but not the physical aspect that makes us, or now our dogs, sick.

Canine Influenza Virus

Canine Influenza Virus, also known as CIV, is the all too common and contagious respiratory illness that goes from dog to dog. By creating a vaccine that reacts within the dog as it would with the human immune system, we can make our world a better place for our animal companions.

Reverse Genetics

The serum used in the vaccine was created by scientists using a method known as reverse genetics.

Reverse genetics is the process of using a protein as your base for creating the DNA sequence. Normal genetics works by starting with the mutant phenotype and working into the DNA sequence and eventually into the protein sequence. Reverse genetics works the opposite way. The DNA is created from the beginning, and then works it's way into an organism viable for creating vaccines.

Effect on humans

This vaccine will help prevent the spread of human influenza as well. Since dogs are susceptible to both avian and mammalian-adapted viruses, they are commonly seen as hosts for new strains of viruses, contagious to humans. While this helps out humans, it's more important for animals in animal shelters.

Since the animals are enclosed in a tight space and commonly interact with each other it can cause the rapid spread of contagious viruses. The vaccine would benefit rescue animals the most.

The studies have only been conducted on mice at this time, and the scientists behind this game-changing vaccine are seeking out to test the vaccine on dogs as well.