Over the last 72 hours, the White House has been rocked by the controversy surrounding retired Gen. Michael Flynn. With Flynn having resigned from his position as national security adviser, top administration officials are attempting to put the pieces back together.

Conway on Twitter

After weeks of wonder, Michael Flynn stepped down as National Security Adviser on Monday night after multiple reports claimed he was in illegal contact with top Russian officials.

The move comes with even more questions, as it occurred just hours after a new report broke noting that former acting Attorney General Sally Yates had warned Donald Trump and his administration that Flynn was "vulnerable" to blackmail attempts by the Kremlin. Since the news broke, the president hasn't released an official statement, but Presidential Counsel Kellyanne Conway addressed the situation on "Good Morning America" on Tuesday morning. Following her appearance, Conway took to her Twitter account on February 14 to defend the president.

As she has in the past, Kellyanne Conway used social media to express her loyalty and 100 percent devotion to Donald Trump and his vision for the United States moving forward.

"I serve at the pleasure of @POTUS," Conway said of Trump. "His message is my message. His goals are my goals," she continued, before adding, "Uninformed chatter doesn't matter."

Conway's comments also follow Donald Trump's message on Twitter that, while not addressing Flynn directly, did hit on a related message. "The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington?" Trump tweeted, before asking, "Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?" The former host of "The Apprentice" was asking in relation to who actually leaked the news to the press. Trump's tweet gives the impression that he is more upset with the source of the leak, rather than one of his top advisers lying to his administration and illegally speaking to a foreign government.

Moving forward

With less than a month in the White House, Donald Trump is already forced to deal with his first major scandal. In addition to the departure of Michael Flynn, the billionaire real estate mogul is just days removed from dealing with a legal defeat after a federal judge and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked his "Muslim ban" executive order.