Late Thursday evening the 9th circuit court of Appeals of the United States ruled to uphold the freeze on President Trump's travel ban, stating that "We hold that the government has not shown a likelihood of success on the merits of its appeal, nor has it shown that failure to enter a stay would cause irreparable injury, and we therefore deny its emergency motion for a stay." The so-called "Muslim ban," which shuts down immigration to the US from 7 majority Islamic nations, has become a major policy for the Trump administration, with the President promising to fight the courts.
Upon hearing the news of the 9th Circuit Court's appeal, the President tweeted "SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!"
Muslim ban?
The validity of Trump's "Muslim ban" has become a hot button issue amongst Republicans and Democrats alike in Washington and across the United States. While Republican Congressmen have largely fallen in line behind the Trump administration's currently blocked policy, the opposition to the President's ban has accurately pointed out that the 7 nations blocked from emigrating to the US (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan) have produced zero terrorist attacks on US soil from the 1970's to 2017. President Trump, however, maintains that "many very bad and dangerous people" will enter the US if the freeze on his ban is not overturned.
The future of Trump's ban
With much of the 7 country "Muslim ban" previously shot down by US District Judge James Robart of Seattle, whom the President deemed a "so-called judge," the 9th Circuit Court's ruling merely continues the freeze on the executive travel ban. Robart and the Appeals Court have simply frozen the administration's "Muslim ban." It is up to the Supreme Court to judge the constitutionality of such a ban, and with President Trump welcoming such a case, along with such a vested national interest in the issue, it seems likely that SCOTUS will take on President Trump's travel ban in the very near future.