Just last week on Fox News, host Sean Hannity sat down for an interview with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. While Hannity had been a critic of Wikileaks in the past, he appears to have changed his mind since the group recently targeted Hillary Clinton during the election, which has since been called out in the media.

Hannity hits back

When it was first announced that Julian Assange was going to be a guest with Sean Hannity, some were caught off guard due to the Fox News host's critical comments of Wikileaks in recent years.

During the election, however, Hannity and other right-wing news hosts warned up to Wikileaks since they appeared to be targeting the Democratic Party. The topic in question was whether or not Russia was behind the hack of the presidential election, to which Wikileaks received and distributed what was collected. Commenting on this issue on Friday morning was MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, who labeled the recent interview a "bromance" that was "repulsive." Taking to his official Twitter account on January 6 was Hannity, and he wasn't happy with the allegations.

"Joe, what's really repulsive is the pathetically low ratings you have on network that colluded with @HillaryClinton," Sean Hannity wrote on his Twitter account.

"Joe if me asking Wikileaks questions is so repulsive why did you use that information on your low rated show?" Hannity asked in a second tweet. In his third tweet, the Fox News mainstay went even deeper in his attack on Joe Scarborough, asking, "Is it a betrayal and repulsive that you keep asking Fox to hire you without telling your current employer?"

"Did you go to Donald Trump's New Year's Eve party or not? Is lying "repulsive?'" Sean Hannity continued. "The only thing that is really 'repulsive' is you calling yourself a 'conservative,'" Hannity went on to write, before adding, "You are the poster child for 'establishment.'" Hannity concluded his series of tweets with one final jab at the ratings for "Morning Joe" on MSNBC.

Moving forward

The political divide in the media has become just as bad, or worse, than what is happening in Washington. Liberal and conservative media no long just clash when it comes to the actual news being presented, but not their most popular hosts are going at it. While 2016 and the election of Donald Trump changed the direction of the media, it looks like 2017 might do just the same.