Ever since the election, the biggest political story that has dominated the headlines has been the hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by Russia. Despite Donald Trump and the Kremlin denying any wrongdoing, evidence continues to mount against their case.
CNN clash
Shortly after Election Day, the CIA revealed that they had been conducting a secret investigation into whether or not Russia was behind the hack of the DNC, which was then released by Wikileaks.
In their conclusion, it was found that Russia was behind the attack, information that has since been verified by the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Obama administration. In response, Donald Trump continues to express doubts over the report's validity, praising Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Wikileaks' Julian Assange in the process. These issues were the topic of discussion during a heated segment on CNN on January 6, as reported by Mediaite.
Joining CNN host of "New Day" Chris Cuomo was Trump presidential counsel, and former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. Cuomo started in quick, asking why Donald Trump "continues to fight what is so obvious to so many." "Chris, how is it obvious?" Conway asked, wondering, "have you seen the briefings?" Conway went on to say that what is "very disappointing" is how much people are linking the "alleged Russian hacking" with Trump's win over Hillary Clinton, telling Cuomo, "Your network is doing it constantly."
Chris Cuomo then took Kellyanne Conway to task, going through a list of factual evidence that have since been released that back up the CIA's original conclusion.
Continuing to push back, Cuomo became frustrated with Conway for not giving him a straight answer, saying she was "ducking the obvious." "Hey Chris, I'm the not ducking a thing!," Conway fired back. When Conway appeared to mock the CNN host for being "passionate" about the story, Cuomo responded. "Sure I am," he replied, while adding, "Russia trying to hack during our election, being ignored by our President-elect? That is troubling."
When Cuomo accused the president-elect of "sheltering Russia," Kellyanne Conway lost her cool, stating, "Don't you say that again!" The two continued to go back and forth, getting close to a shouting match at times, with Conway standing by the Trump talking point of denial.
Moving forward
Even with Donald Trump and his transition team pushing back at the allegations of Russian involvement in the DNC hack, not all Republicans are on board. Sen. John McCain has become the leading voice in the Senate, among Republicans, and is calling for a further investigation, while referring to Vladimir Putin as a "thug" and a "murderer." Only time will tell what the next steps will be, with the billionaire real estate mogul getting sworn in as the new commander in chief on January 20.