In less than a week, Donald Trump will head to Washington, D.C. for Inauguration Day and be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. While Trump is preparing for his big day, many have decided to push back and boycott the ceremony.

Trump on Lewis

When Donald Trump pulled off the monumental upset and defeated Hillary Clinton on Election Day, the result shocked the world. For Democrats, Trump's victory came as a complete surprise, as most were ready to celebrate the first female commander in chief in United States history. In the two months since his election, the president-elect has faced harsh backlash from critics and political opponents, with over 100,000 people planning to protest in opposition to his inauguration.

Democratic Rep. John Lewis has been vocal in his criticism of Trump, and announced om Friday that he will boycott the ceremony, stating that he didn't consider the billionaire real estate mogul a "legitimate president." As seen on his offical Twitter account on January 14, Trump decided to fire back.

As expected, Donald Trump decided to vent his frustrations on Twitter, targeting Rep.

John Lewis and his inauguration boycott. "Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results," Trump wrote on Twitter early Saturday morning, before adding, "All talk, talk, talk - no action or results.

Sad!" In an interview with "Meet the Press" that will air on Sunday morning, Lewis, a civil rights icon, explained his reasoning for the boycott. "I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected," Lewis said, before noting, "And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton."

In a follow-up message, Donald Trump tagged the right-wing news outlet "One America News Network" in his post, before pushing back against the recent CNN report that claimed Russia had planned to blackmail him using "compromising" information.


Moving forward

Despite the growing backlash, Donald Trump will officially become the new commander in chief next Friday and change the direction of American domestic and foreign policy for at least the next four years. As protesters plan to take to the streets in opposition to Trump's incoming presidency, the president-elect doesn't appear willing to change his tune anytime soon.