In almost every speech and certainly in all three Presidential Debates, the Republican nominee used an insult, negative remark, or label for Americans. Any person can ramble off a countless number of those insults Donald Trump has used since he began campaigning over a year ago. Just in case you have missed some in speeches and on Twitter, the New York Times is helping you out to remember these terms when you go to the voting booth on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
New York Times
The New York Times used two full pages of Monday's paper to list every single person and organization insulted by the Republican candidate for President of the United States. The entire list contains a whopping 281 negative names for people, places, and things. Even though no one or nothing in the United States has been off limits, the Democratic nominee received her fair share of the names and insults.
Trump's names for Hillary Clinton
The most recent name for Hillary Clinton was "nasty woman" in the final debate last Wednesday night. In the past, he has called her negative names to her face as well as posting them on Twitter.
Some names have included "crooked," "very dumb," "totally confused," "corrupt," "unhealthy," "unfit to run for president," "a liar," etc. He has attacked media organizations calling them "dishonest" and "failing." He has called entire countries names such as "terrible China," "totally corrupt Mexico," etc. He has called women "fat," "slubs,"fat-piglets," "ugly," and said, "look at that face." In the last debate, he called men from Mexico "bad hombres." There are many other people, places and things Trump has insulted.
Trump threats
Trump has threatened what he will do if he wins the election. First of all, he said he is going to see to it that Hillary Clinton goes to jail. He has threatened to sue all his female accusers as well as the New York Times. These are the threats we know about. If Donald Trump becomes president, who knows what other derogatory things he has in mind?