The legacy of rivalry continues between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, as violence between Tamilians and Kannadigas has hit Bangalore once again, and as per latest reports, fresh violence has hit the IT hub of India in the most dreaded manner. Several BMTC buses and vehicles have been burnt by the protestors on Monday. The police have imposed section 144 in the city. The official website of Bangalore city police too confirmed the news.
Flash news: One person has died and another is seriously injured after the police opened fire in Rajgopalnagar locality this evening.
15,000 security personnelhave been deployed in the city to foresee law and order.Even on Tuesday morning, the curfew in Bangalore continues.
India's biggest online selling portals Flipkart and Amazon have said that their business has been hit badly due to the ongoing crisis and frequent bandhs in the IT city. Their deliveries in an around have been severely hit and they fear mammoth losses.
The Cauvery river water issue:
All the troubles started when the honorable Supreme Court of India modified its order on the controversial Cauvery water issue verdict. The court on Monday asked to reduce the quantum of water which should be given to the neighboring state, and it has kick started all the problems in the state.
The State Government has issued holidays to all schools in the city to ensure the protection of students.
Around 40 buses and trucks were set ablaze near the bus depot by the furious mob in Bangalore. The police are not allowing any vehicles to go into Tamilnadu. The same was done by Tamilnadu yesterday night.
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Section 144 imposed in Bangalore
#CauveryIssue: #Section144 CrPC Is Imposed In Bengaluru City From 12-09-2016 to 14-09-2016.Strict action shall b initiated agnst miscreants
— BengaluruCityPolice (@BlrCityPolice) September 12, 2016
As per section 144, four or more people cannot assemble in the town, and this will surely impact the working of many multinational companies operating in the city.
The chief ministers of the respective states, Siddaramaiah and J Jayalalithaare expected to conduct talks soon to reduce the tensions between the two states.
In the meantime, the Indian Government too will intervene into the issue, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reportedly asked some of his cabinet ministers to talk with the CMs ofboth the states.
#CauveryProtests : 15,000 thousand police men and officers have been deployed all over the city !
— BengaluruCityPolice (@BlrCityPolice) September 13, 2016
Anger in Karnataka and Tamilnadu
Earlier, on September 11, 2016, a Tamil Nadu youth aged 22 was beaten to pulp in Bhanshankari area for insulting Kannada actors including Shivarajkumar through Facebook.
Watch Tamil Sun News
This issue has created wide spread protest in Tamil Nadu, and it is expected to aggravate in coming days.
40 buses burnt; watch news video:
In the meantime, protests are going on in Tamil Nadu too. Any signals or indication representing Karnataka has been targeted by extreme Tamil fanatics.
It should be noted that the release of Kannada movie like'Mungaru Male 2' was postponed in Tamil Nadu due to fear of heavy protests.