COVID-19 Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, china. It is a contagious disease and has no known cure so far. It has now been found in most countries across the world. As the number of infected people rises, policies get put in place to prevent infected people from coming in contact with the non-infected ones. Many authorities have advised people to remain indoors as far as possible.
Airlines have canceled flights, tour operators have downed shutters and cruise ships are stranded with thousands of passengers and crew. Experts advise employees to work from home to ensure safety and go in for self-isolation if necessary.
The Guardian says Australia has decided on compulsory self-isolation for anyone who enters the country from overseas. It has already taken effect but there will be an exemption for flight attendants and residents of the Pacific Islands. The self-isolation will be for 14 days on arrival and failure to comply will mean a financial penalty. The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, indicated that such people might use taxis and public transport from airports, so they must maintain personal hygiene for their own safety and the safety of others.
The Guardian notes that while traveling, it is preferable that people occupy the rear seat and note down the details of the vehicle and its driver for future reference.
Self-isolation for whole family if one member has coronavirus
Good sources from recognized authorities bring information on how to cope with the virus via the internet. However, people should take care that they get the correct information from social media. For example, The CDC in the USA sets out guidelines regarding social distancing and self-isolation. Most health notices reiterate that it is vital for all those who have close contact with a person diagnosed with Covid-19 to self isolate. Such persons should maintain a distance from the elderly because they are within the most at-risk group.
If people wish to order in groceries or takeaways, the person in isolation should ask an outsider to deliver it and leave it outside the door.
The Guardian adds that many people are self-isolating as a precaution. The outlet says those who are returning from overseas should maintain a safe distance and avoid visitors. Using a separate bedroom and bathroom would help. Isolation robs one of the social joys of life and once cooped up with no one to keep them company, some people find it hard. They can still read books, listen to music, pursue some hobby, or interact via social media.
UK guidelines on coronavirus
Sky News discussed some cases of self-isolation in the UK to highlight the problems.
The threat of coronavirus has forced many families to shut themselves away from the world for 14 days in an effort to contain COVID-19. One of the families lives in West London. The family was taken aback by the prime minister’s announcement about isolation. The outlet reported, "the prime minister announced all families with one member displaying symptoms of the virus should isolate the entire household for 14 days." The BBC also discussed the probability of 4 months of isolation for the elderly.
In the West London case, the head of the family felt he had the symptoms and took precautions. The family had school-going children who had to remain at home. Another family was from Manchester. The suspected person was a nine-month-old baby and it was difficult for the mother to dissociate from her baby.
In a third case, there was a 95-year-old mother involved. The new guidelines are that those in the over 70s range should self-isolate for up to four months. In that case, the family would have to rent accommodation for the mother and shift her away from the current family environment.
Coronavirus sees fewer crowds gathering
COVID-19 has led to a lot of self-isolation and social distancing. It is a precautionary measure to arrest the spread of the disease. However, in the fast-paced world of today, self-isolation of 14 days might seems a very long time. Of course, the disease has seen less movement of people on the roads with the closure of movie houses and bans on large gatherings. Coronavirus outbreak has affected travel and hurts global tourism and trade. Recovery could be a long drawn process. The disease has not spared the world of movies. Regal Cinemas has closed nationwide because of the coronavirus crisis.