Life can be an incredibly painful journey at times. Though one of the things in which we must realize is that a life without trials and tribulations will be a truly boring and mundane life, for one of the greatest joys in our life comes at the conclusion of tragedies. This brings us to the realization that we are much stronger than we previously thought. Though on the contrary, we can sometimes feel that our shortcomings can hold us back from what we truly want in life.
The tragedies of life are our treasures
There are times we may go through life seeking more, unable to enjoy the things in which we used to, leaving us feeling powerless.
We cannot always control what happens in our life, or we might have been given, but we must realize that our challenges are not meant to burden, restrain, or harm us. They are sent to promote growth and strengthen you. These situations in our lives are never designed to hold us back from what we truly want in life, for everything we want is on the other side of our tragedies.
If your path is difficult, if you feel that you have been given less than others, if you have been pressed beneath unforgiving circumstances, it means that your purpose is greater than you thought. Instead of having feelings of scarcity, you must realize that you cannot expect more from life feeling that you deserve less, you must meet limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.
What is stopping you?
We sometimes tend to stay in unhappy situations out of fear, but you can prevail, and circumstances will get better as long as you are willing to let go of what is holding you back. You cannot move forward in life if you continue to allow things to weigh you down or burden you. You are strong enough to see this through.
Always remember that no matter what you may be going through in life, no matter what situations you may be under, they never lower your value, nor do they take away from what you are capable of achieving in your life.
Your present circumstances never determine where you can go in life; they only determine where you start. You already have enough critics in life, do not hold yourself back by becoming your own.
We were all given a winning hand in life, our path to fulfillment is forged by our ability to use it. You woke up today, meaning you have a purpose, you are meant to be here, and you have been given another opportunity to give yourself all the happiness and success in which you seek. Nothing is holding you back.