A recent report released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows a high increase in obesity cases in the US. The report cited soaring obesity cases among US adults above the age of 19. The findings show that in 2015 and 2016, 39.8 percent of adults in the US were obese. The report also notes that 35.7 percent of adults between the age of 20 and 39 were overweight.
Prevalence rates among adults aged 40-59 stood at 42.8 percent while obesity rates among adults aged 60 years and above -- along with youths -- stood at 41 percent. The findings by the CDC come days after the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that obesity around the world has tripled since 1975.
Additional statistics
The findings by CDC show that obesity rates among non-Hispanic Asians were lower than rates for other races. Data from the CDC also showed that only 12.7 percent of non-Hispanic Asian adults are obese. Obesity rates among non-Hispanic black women stood at 54.8 percent. Obesity among Hispanics aged 2-19 was 25.8 percent; this was high compared to obesity among non-Hispanic Asians which was at 11 percent, and 14.1 percent among non-Hispanic whites.
Obesity among adults and children in the US has also risen since 1999. Obesity among adults in 1999 was 30.5 percent compared to 39.6 percent in 2015 and 2016. 13.9 percent of youth were overweight in 1999 while 18.5 percent of Youth were overweight in 2015 and 2016.
Obesity is often caused by high food intake and the lack of physical exercise. According to Health Direct, diets that are rich in fat cause fat to accumulate in our bodies. Examples of such diets include diets that contain processed and fast foods rich in fat, alcohol, and soda, foods with high levels of sugar, and dairy products that are full of fat. Obesity can also be transmitted through genetics.
Obesity is calculated by dividing someone's weight by their height in meters squared.
Adults are considered to be obese if they record a number higher than 30. A different formula is used to calculate obesity levels in teens due to their variation in body composition as they age. Obese people are encouraged to exercise more and eat foods with fewer calories. Medical procedures and different types of medicines can also be used to reduce body fat among obese people.
According to the CDC, obesity can cause risks such as breathing problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and depression.