There are several ways to relax and reduce negative emotional and physical reactions that can diminish your ability to enjoy life. According to health specialists at the Mayo Clinic, relaxation is not just a break for the mind or a hobby. This is a process that can help alleviate life challenges for both mind and body. Some of the health benefits of using these techniques include:

  • physical benefits - slow heartbeat, lower blood pressure, slow breathing, reduced oxygen demand, increased blood flow to the muscles, decreased muscle tension;
  • total health and life benefits - lower physical symptoms of stress (headaches, back pain), lower emotional outbursts (anger, frustration), increased energy, increased concentration, greater problem-solving ability, greater efficiency in daily activities.

Many health professionals, from traditional and alternative practitioners to doctors and psychotherapists, can teach you basic Relaxation Techniques, but you can also learn a little about them yourself.

There are three basic relaxation techniques:

Autogenic relaxation

Autogenic relaxation has to do with visualization and the conscious effort to reduce stress, including the repetition of words or suggestions that help relieve and reduce muscle tension. Try to imagine a quiet place, and focus on controlling your breathing and slowing your heart rate. Relax your hands and feet until you reach a relaxed state.

Progressive muscle relaxation

This is the technique of relaxing each group of muscles in the body. It encourages you to focus attention on the difference between tense and relaxed muscles and become more aware of the physical feelings.

Start from one end of your body. Reach out and relax the muscles on your toes, then the muscles of your joints and so on, up. Pull each muscle group for at least five seconds and relax for 30 seconds. Repeat the process at least four times.


As you practice the visualization technique, imagine a quiet place or situation as if you were on an "imaginary journey." The best way of visualization involves all senses, from sight and taste to sound and touch. Imagine a beautiful place like the shore of a clean river, with the gloom and the smell of water, birds singing. Get comfortable and sit in a quiet place, close your eyes. This can help you achieve complete relaxation during visualization.

There are other relaxation techniques that may be more familiar to you, such as dhikr, controlled meditation and tai chi, massage. It is important that you know: whatever relaxation technique you choose, the results will be enhanced by repetition. With the selected technique, relax often to reduce the negative impact of stress on your Mind And Body!