Whether your face is dry, oily, or a combination, we all have struggled with acne and managing breakouts. Personally, I have bought hundreds of different products in hopes that one would Clear my Skin for good. The answer to permanently healthy complexion, however, did not lie in the amount of money I shelled out to purchase chemical-based beauty products. Through research, advice, and my own experiences, I learned that the best skin-clearing treatments are the ones rooted in holistic care, and that clear skin starts from within.

Here are my top tips for clear skin, the natural way:

Natural Skin Care Tools

Water - This clearly isn't a secret, but it is something so many people ignore when experiencing a breakout. Water is the holy grail to maintaining overall health and wellness, and maintaining beautiful skin is no exception. To clear the face, I would suggest drinking eight bottles of water, spread out over the course of one day. This will not only improve skin, but all bodily functions, as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar - If you have an oily complexion, especially during the humid summer months, apple cider vinegar is a perfectly holistic way to fight this and clear up the skin. Apple cider vinegar lessens the appearance of acne scars, evening out your skin tone and improving the overall health of your skin.

Tea Tree Oil - This herbal oil is a great way to battle a breakout. Apply a dab of the oil to your active acne spots and watch them heal up over night. Tea tree is another perfect remedy to fight oil.

Oatmeal - Although you might not think of this common breakfast food as a beauty tool, plain oatmeal is a fantastic face mask for moisturizing dry skin.

Oatmeal helps the skin to retain moisture, so put on this mask before applying a face cream as an extra way to ensure your face has a healthy glow.

Coconut Oil - Rub coconut oil in your palms and then apply to your entire face as a nightly face cream. This is perfect for those with skin that gets dry patches, especially in the winter.

Coconut oil will smooth rough spots and moisturize, restoring healthy oils back into an unhealthy complexion.

Skin care is as simple as a trip to the grocery store

Having healthy, glowing skin does not require paying exorbitant amounts for products that are made entirely of chemicals. Instead, it is better for your skin- and your budget- to use these holistic, plant-based skincare remedies in your daily routine. Your face will definitely thank you for it.