Everyone tells you that the summer after your senior year of high school is the time to do anything your heart desires but you know you have too many things to do and not enough time. I'm here to help you minimize your potential stress before college so you can go out with your best friends and have the time of your life.
Planning Your Summer
You have spent the last four years at school and now you have finally been set free but you have to buy materials for college, attend orientation, select your courses and so much more.
The summer is supposed to be the time of your life and the first step in establishing that is planning out your summer. Once you have planned out your summer and established the important orientation dates and any trips planned, you have finished the most tedious task. Now you are able to start the fun part of your summer which includes shopping, having family get-togethers, and staying out late at night with your best friend that you won't see when you're in high school.
Shopping Time
Now is the time when you look on Pinterest and find the infamous college dorm supply list, the list that seems to never stop growing.
This list is not like your previous before school supply shopping because you are shopping to fill your dorm room, which will be your next home for the upcoming semesters. Yes, when you see some lists you may think that some items are a bit ridiculous but trust me, when your mom tells you that you need a can opener, she is right (as much as you might not want to admit.) Once you have compiled your lists, it is time for shopping, but remember to only buy as many things as those that will fit in your door room.
The second step also involves going to your school orientation, likely to be an overnight experience. This is the scariest part of the whole process but remember that now you will have a feel for the campus when classes start instead of being blindsided.
Time for Summer Adventures
This is the third step before you get to successfully go off on your Journey to college. In this step, you get to go have fun with your friends and make the best of the possible summer adventures. Go and stay out all night with your best friend, go on a date with the guy you always liked, or stay at home with your parents on a Friday night because you know soon you will be far away off at college.
Final Step
You have finally reached the night before move in day and as you sit on your bed with empty walls and boxes surrounding you, you will know that you were able to have both an amazing and productive summer. You are on your way to furthering your education. The final step is to take a moment and remember all the positive memories you had during your childhood and that you are only going to make more positive memories during your college career.