Tourist trade in New Zealand has seen a dramatic change after the election of Donald Trump and there has been a growth of nearly 23 percent in the arrival of tourists. In the opinion of Bjoern Spreitzer, general manager of Americas and Europe for Tourism New Zealand, the sector would continue to grow because many Americans have a soft corner for New Zealand and go there to spend their annual vacation.

What attracts the Americans?

New Zealand Herald reports that the country is perceived by Americans as an attractive destination because of the natural surroundings it has apart from an element of friendliness. There is also a better air connectivity because of new routes that have been started by American Airlines and United Airlines. These trans-Pacific routes have come as a boon to tourists because they enable tourists to move freely to this region.

The fear of terrorism is also not there and this is one of the reasons for its growing popularity. There have been instances where innocent people on holiday have become victims of terrorism.

No one wants to get involved in any terrorist activity and their motto is to be safe rather than sorry.

Moreover, Air New Zealand has a direct service into Houston which has helped it to tap into the potentials of the Texas market. Those who know the tourism market have forecast the US inbound trade is expected to grow considerably in the course of the next six years.

The future scenario

The Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment expects substantial growth in the arrival of tourists because of new routes coupled with upgraded capacity. It has painted a bright picture of the future of tourism and in its opinion, the gradual improvement in the economy and a stronger US dollar could improve the spending capacity of US visitors arriving in the country.

Another aspect that favors the tourist inflow into New Zealand is the turbulent political scenario in some parts of the world which act as a deterrent for American tourists. They hesitate to opt for European destinations and instead come to New Zealand to escape from uncertainties at home. The fear of terrorism is something they want to escape from. Therefore, young American travelers look out for safe alternatives and other countries reap the benefits.

Tourism is a money earner for any country and New Zealand is no different. It has many positives and there is no doubt that it has created a special place for itself in the minds of the discerning traveler. The major plus point in its favor is the safety of its tourists.

There is no doubt that it scores high on this aspect and can expect to lure tourists from distant countries. Many tourist hot spots in Europe and the Middle East have lost their charm because of terrorism, and New Zealand wants to fill the void. It is emerging as a new and attractive alternative.