Hello, Aries! In today's daily horoscope for Aries, let’s talk about putting your happiness and your needs first. Aries, born between March 21 and April 19 is a strong leader who loves to jump and get things done. Let’s see what the stars have to say to you for today.

What to expect

Today, Aries, the presence of Venus in Capricorn indicates that this will be a day full of fun and happiness. However, a big question pops up for you: Should you try to be practical or should you focus on following your heart? It's not the best day to make that decision.

Before long, all of your uncertainties will clear up.

You could be feeling a very strong desire for the family, Aries. And tonight, beware because you could wind up in a clandestine affair that can possibly leave a sour taste in your mouth. If you were born in the second decade, this could be the perfect opportunity to show your more secret impulses that you have been hiding for a long time.

How to get through your day

To get through your day, Aries, follow your intuition, even if it seems to go against logic and practicality. It’s okay to ask friends for advice, but be sure to wait a few days before making any irrevocable choices. Without any guilt, foster your opportunistic tendencies, instead of pretending that they don't exist.

Embrace all sides and all parts of you! If you are smart enough to see an opportunity when it presents itself, you have the full right to take advantage of it.

If you hear anything negative about the way you choose to live your life, ignore them and move on. This is an excellent day to start planning a short trip with close family members, Aries.

It will help you to release some tension that has been building up in your life lately.

Stop giving and over-sacrificing yourself, whether it be at work, in a relationship or for some family obligations. Take the time to focus on yourself for a while. Breathe. Besides, you must take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else.

Your happiness matters, so make time to cultivate it.

Take note overall

Overall, Aries, your intuition and gut feelings are going to come forth very strongly and be your guide today. Trust them! Feel free to grab any new opportunities as they come your way. And remember, pay attention to getting the time you need for yourself.

So, Aries, that’s it for today’s daily horoscope for Aries. Thank you for reading, and it was a pleasure bringing this daily horoscope to you. Have a great Wednesday!