Destiny 2” recently got a game patch that introduced several fixes, weapon balancing, and activities. However, Bungie recently discovered a new issue within the Trials map this week, prompting them to make another tweak.

Trials tweak

Bungie’s Senior Community Manager Dmg tweeted about it mentioning an out-of-bounds issue on Fragment adding that the dev team is already making the necessary changes. In line with this, the developer also tweeted announcing that the Trials of Osiris will be updated as it will feature an alternative map.

There’s also a bit of a head up to Guardians as it was noted that by the time the tweak goes live in “Destiny 2” (Saturday, 9:00 A.M.

PST), players who are in the middle of running the Trials would be getting an error code. Dmg even hinted in another tweet at the replacement Trials map being Exodus Blue.

Destiny 2” YouTuber Luckyy 10P, on the other hand, talked about the issue mentioned above in a recent video where he showed where the bugged area is.

From the looks of it, if a player would go on that part of the Trials map, that Guardian would go unnoticed. The content creator went on to say that the said area is one of the best places on the map to snipe opponents.

Still, on “Destiny 2” bugs, Bungie has announced that they’ve already resolved an issue with the Birds of a Feather Triumph where it remained locked for players who have completed the Harbinger mission while the Hawkmoon Exotic is equipped.

Players were pretty much irked about it, and it’s a good thing it got fixed.

Getting that Warden title

As for the Harbinger, a player posted over on the Raid Secrets subreddit detailing how he and his fellow players got the Warden title, for the uninitiated, “Destiny 2” players need to complete several tasks during this season (Season of the Hunt) to earn the said title.

Per Reddit user Majestic_Puppo, two of his clanmates were able to complete the said mission with each of the players donning their Hawkmoons. The OP claims that those clanmates of his got a Triumph requiring them to run the task with the Exotic hand cannon equipped on both of them. The OP went on replicating it and was also rewarded with the title alongside another “Destiny 2” player who still doesn’t have the Triumph.

Those pyramid ship in 'Destiny 2'

In other “Destiny 2” stuff, a Reddit post from the same sub has been getting quite the community's attention as its OP pointed out some potential spoiler in the game.

U/TruePinecone posted a screenshot of a cutscene from the game and was wondering if it’s a pyramid ship that he saw in the Dreaming City.

That little detail slipped past through most players while watching that part of the cutscene, though, this player was quick to notice it. One commented that this would line up with some of the things in “Destiny 2”:

  • Mara Sov’s return to the Dreaming City
  • Umbral Engrams returning in Season 13 to which the commenter explained that these showed up when those ships arrived.
  • The holographic image of the ships in the Cabal cutscene which according to the player implies something with the pyramids is coming.

The player also mentioned the Last Wish oracles and Ascendant lens that fellow “Destiny 2” players should keep an eye on.