Epic Games has put in a lot of work into the upcoming season of "Fortnite Battle Royale." Many players were disappointed with the last few seasons but the video game developer is ready for a new chapter, literally. The next season will not be called "Season 11" but "Chapter 2 - Season 1," instead. Players will start a new chapter in the video game and many things are going to change, confirmed by the leaked video.
SkinTrackerCom's Twitter account was the first page to leak the new Battle Pass video. It not only reveals the cosmetic items that will be added with the new seasons, but it has also shown us the brand new map and some amazing new features that will be added to "Fortnite Battle Royale." It goes without saying, players are hyped and cannot wait for the new season to come out, but unfortunately, we have to wait for the downtime to end before we get the new content.
The new season is going to be different
The new chapter of "Fortnite Battle Royale," is bringing massive changes to the popular video game.
The leaked video can be seen below and it shows some major addition that will come with the update.
The video has revealed that boats will indeed be added in the new seasons. Players will be able to shoot at each other while using boats and it appears that there will be many rivers and water areas on the new map, so most of the areas will be accessible by a bot. Furthermore, pogo sticks will be added to the game, but these may be emotes or toys rather than new vehicles.
There will be different Battle Pass medals that will come with the next season. For example, eliminating four players in a single match will earn players a medal. These will most likely be used as challenges and will reward players with Season XP.
Additionally, players will be able to carry their knocked-down teammates to safety and they will be able to shoot at a gas station fuel pump to make it explode and damage nearby enemies.
New items and chests
Chests are going to have a different design, in the next season, and Epic Games will add at least one new item to "Fortnite Battle Royale." Popular data miner Hypex has revealed that the new item is going to be called Bazooka Bandaid and players will use it to shoot bandages to heal their teammates.
Furthermore, players will be able to swim in rivers and hide in barrels and dumpsters. There will be many other things that will be added to the popular video game as this was just a small leak.
The game will most likely come back on Tuesday, October 15, although its downtime might be extended until Thursday. At the moment, the video game just shows the black hole and random numbers, but we are hoping the game will be back before Thursday.