"Fortnite" latest news will please fans of one of the most popular and appreciated game. According to 'Android Central,' Games and YouTube have entered into a fantastic partnership that allows a feature very useful for gamers. It's about "Drops." What are they? The "Drops" now available on "Fortnite" are free rewards that the player can get by simply watching short videos. The clips, of course, contain interesting themes about "Battle Royale." The titles are promising: "Game Jam Hollywood" and "Fortnite World Cup." The "Drops" that the user will receive after watching the videos are three, all funny and full of surprises.
These are the Spray Game Jam, the Spray Word Cup and the mysterious Red Line Wrap.
How do 'Fortnite' Drops work
How do 'Fortnite' drops work? The first step to take advantage of the Drop is to link the "Epic Games" account that you use to access "Fortnite" to that of YouTube. The proceeding is really easy. After logging in to your personal YouTube panel, the settings section opens and then 'linked accounts.' At this point, you will go to select your "Epic Games account" and make the connection. Since the "Drops" feature has just been released, There may be technical problems or, on some accounts, it may not be available yet. However, according to "Epic Games," the drops will soon be available to all users of "Fortnite" within the next twenty-four hours.
What are the contents of the 'Supplied' drop
Don't worry; you won't see advertising videos or off-topic. If your "Epic Games" and YouTube accounts are linked, you are done. Once you enter the personal platform, you just have to select the video and watch it until the end. The first scheduled broadcast is the "Game Jam Hollywood," scheduled for July 25.
During the live broadcast, some community creators who have distinguished themselves for their skill will work on the creation of new games, useful for the long-awaited final of the "Fortnite World Cup".
The 'Fortnite' Drops: two sprays and one red line wrap
According to 'Fortnite Insider' live broadcasts of the "Fortnite Word Cup" finals will take place over three days, specifically from 26 to 27 July 2019.
The user can receive the "drop" of "Fortnite" after having watched for twenty consecutive minutes the scheduled broadcasts of the World Cup or, alternatively, "Game Jam Hollywood." Easy, isn't it? Among the rewards expected after watching the minutes of video, there will be the Spray Game Jam for the video of July 26, the Spray Word Cup as a gift after watching the live broadcast of July 27 and finally the sturdy Red Line Wrap available on July 28. Stay tuned for the next updates on "Fortnite."