When Square Enix held their E3 press conference, it was expected that the company would show "Final Fantasy" related material, whether it be a new game or a re-release. Square showed off the "Final Fantasy VII remake" with new gameplay, video footage, and release date. The end of their show also saw a video for a remastered release of ''Final Fantasy VIII.'' Originally released in 1999 for the Sony PlayStation and years later on PC, it's the one game in the series that has never been re-released.
For unknown reasons, Square Enix has never updated the game for modern consoles, or put the game on modern console stores for sale.
Classic RPG is often overlooked by fans
The game is considered to be the "Black Sheep" of the main series for many reasons, ranging from the story and characters to its sometimes frustrating junction systems. The card game built into the game was another frustrating point. This required players to acquire cards by playing different characters throughout the game, in hopes of getting their cards. These cards could then be turned into items that could be used to craft better weapons and even summon monsters.
Square Enix would correct this mistake with the Tetra Master card game in ninth game in the series.
The game itself is one of the best games ever made, with one of the coolest opening cinematic scenes in gaming history, as it sees the main hero of the game Squall, dueling with one of the main antagonists, Seifer in a gunblade duel. As the two characters duel, a beautiful, breathtaking opera score soars in the background, we even get a glimpse of another hero in the game, Rinoa. The main premise of the game revolves around Squall, Zell, Quistis, and others as cadets at Balamb Garden, a military-like school. The students are sent off on various missions to help those in need or to defeat various monsters.
Eventually, the heroes are betrayed by Edea and must defeat her in four different forms. Spread over four discs, many fans felt let down by the story, the length of the game, and by its junction system. The junction system was the primary way players developed the characters. This was done by drawing magic from enemies or placing various summons on characters. For example, placing Ifrit, a fire-based monster on Squall, would raise his fire elemental damage, give him resistance to fire magic, and could raise one or more of his stats. This was a major departure from "Final Fantasy VII's" materia system. Aside from the card game and the junction system, this is one of the best playing and best-looking games in the entire series.
Remastered version to release this year
Last year, Square Enix won over millions of gamers when it announced that the classic game series was coming to XBOX, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4. This year Square Enix surprised everyone, but the announcement was met with mixed reactions. Adam Bankhurst of IGN wrote that "Final Fantasy VIII Remaster" will be heading to all major consoles this year, joining "Final Fantasy VII, IX, X, X-2, and XII on major consoles and PC." This marks the first time that classic game is being released for modern consoles. Suriel Vazquez, of Game Informer, added that "Final Fantasy VIII Remastered" brings the classic RPG to modern consoles and PC, polishing up the graphics along the way." The game is slated to release sometime later this year.