Epic Games has released another huge patch for "Fortnite Battle Royale." After three straight content updates, the development team took servers down on January 15, releasing a big patch that has brought numerous changes to the popular video game. The v7.20 patch is still fresh and players are testing it out, yet data miners have already found a lot of new interesting details about the content that will be released to the game at some point.

Beside new cosmetic items, Epic Games has added more challenges to "Fortnite Battle Royale." However, these challenges haven't gone live yet, but they will most likely be released within the next two weeks.

These challenges reward players with two cosmetic items and a bunch of Season XP. At the moment, it is unknown how players are going to get these challenges, but as data miners have revealed, they will be free.

Ice Storm Challenges

The "Fortnite Battle Royale" has added Ice Storm Challenges to the game data. These challenges haven't been released yet, but there is a good chance that they become available before the next big patch. Considering that Epic Games is probably going to release a content update next week, the leaked challenges may come out at the same time when new cosmetic items hit the in-game store.

There are 13 challenges and they reward players with two cosmetic items and 6,000 Season XP.

The reward for the first challenge is a special wrap, while 12 other challenges reward players with 500 Season XP each. Completing all 13 challenges rewards players with an exclusive glider.

Considering that season 7 is entering its final weeks, we can expect Epic Games to make another big "Fortnite Battle Royale" event, and these challenges may be linked to it.

After all, data miners have found some indicators that there is going to be another event, so the game developer might do something similar to the Fortnitemares event. This event had special challenges that gave players cosmetic items for completing them, and it was available only for a limited time.

Season 7 storyline

Data miners have also found some interesting clues regarding the season 7 storyline.

Week 7 and 8 loading screens show the Ice King, and it appears he is up to no good. Considering that Polar Peak is his area and that dragon eggs are found under his castle, the season might conclude with a Polar Peak event. There is no doubt that this is going to be another big thing for "Fortnite" players!