The huge "Fortnite" community witnessed a massive event within the game as the rocket in Snobby finally launched and left a huge crack in the sky. While the majority of the players logged in just to watch it all happen, there were a few who took advantage of the moment and eliminated as many players as they could. One of these was a player who may well seem to have broken the solo kill record in the game's battle royale mode.
Several folks had clipped the moment and it is currently making the rounds online where it can be seen how these players got wiped out almost simultaneously. A couple of these short videos were posted over on FortniteBR subreddit by Redditors u/Lithium43 and u/Demerzus. There's also a YouTube video from an account that only goes by the name of D. It detailed how the viewing party began and was eventually ruined by a single player.
Rocket launch viewing party gone wrong
According to the YT video, it can be seen how the players put up this massive ramp for them to have the best view of the momentous in-game event.
However, at the tail end of the video, all 48 players who were still watching the rocket come plummeting down got eliminated. Sure, it's an awesome sight, but it's infuriating at the same time, especially if you're on the receiving end of it.
A lot of "Fortnite" fans who got to see the video were quite irked about the deed. There are still some though, who find it amusing.
Meanwhile, upon further checking, it was learned that the player who did it had never won a solo match: Not even the one that made him infamous (per However, he had a single win in duos and eight in squads at the time of writing, not to mention that the above-mentioned record is etched on his stats as beating the previous record of 33 by Finest.
'Fortnite' fans' two cents
That said, the "Fortnite" player base has polarizing opinions on these records. While there are players who want to get the record removed, there are still some who want it to stay since they pointed out that taking advantage in such a situation is not a form of cheating/exploit in any way.
A member of the FortniteBR sub who claims to be the owner of Fortnite Tracker (u/htr_xorth), stated that the player's record will be removed, adding that they will give him his "15 minutes of fame" before erasing it on the leaderboard. However, at the time of writing, the 48 frag record of the player is still on his stats and they still hold the world record for the most kills in the game.