After the pro gaming team of FaZe Clan announced that Tfue will be their "Fortnite" champion, his popularity skyrocketed as he exhibited mad skills while playing the cartoonish third-person shooter. However, he was recently involved in a couple of controversies as one of them got him a permanent account ban from Epic Games for purchasing "Fortnite" accounts. He also made a response a few days back on Ninja's comment about him using glitches in the game.

In one of his recent streams, Ninja talked about FaZe Tfue's penchant for discovering exploits and glitches in a game.

According to the pro gamer, the FaZe Clan member has been finding and using game exploits for a long while, adding that he had been doing it during his "H1Z1" and "PUBG" days. Ninja went on, saying that Tfue could either be using game exploits to get them noticed by game developers for it to be fixed or just plain using them.

FaZe Tfue's response

FaZe Tfue, on the other hand, saw Ninja's comment and he somewhat seconded the statement by saying "he's not wrong." He pointed out though, that the word "exploit" is such a big word for him that he prefers to call his act "a clever use of game mechanics."

In line with this, the FaZe Clan member was recently seen using a new exploit against a player and eventually snagged that Victory Royale.

Dubbed the "two-sided trap glitch," it can be seen in the video how he placed the trap and eliminated his opponent.

Fans might recall the time when he made some sort of tutorial on one of his streams on how to perform as so-called emote pickaxe glitch. This created quite a debate among "Fortnite" players on Reddit wondering if the exploit was okay to use during a match.

Epic Games responded to this, stating that albeit it's a fault on their end for having the glitch within the game, it's still not an excuse for players to use it. The developer added that using the glitch takes a deliberate action and that it's not something a player can "repeatedly do by accident."

Friday Fortnite winners are Ninja and Hysteria

Meanwhile, the recent installment of Keemstar's Friday Fortnite tournament has declared former teammates Ninja and Hysteria as champions for this week as they've beaten the defending champions – Tfue and Cloak.

Tfue took to Twitter to congratulate the duo for bagging the $10,000 grand prize. Tfue and Cloak came in second with $7,000 while SypherPK and FaZe Jaomock finished third as they brought home $3,000.