"Fortnite: Battle Royale" is about to get better. One of the most famous weapons of the game, SMG has got a makeover and its new celebrated version is sure to raise the levels of fun. This new version of SMG is already out and has sent the old tactical SMG packing. According to Game Spot, "The changes to SMGs seem to be comprehensive, with accuracy, damage, range, and fire rate all nerfed."
Fortnite's new update
The legendary SMG has its foundation on the P90 and majority of the “Call of Duty” players will be acquainted with it.
Earlier "Goldeneye" players will confidently recall information on the popular RC-P90, which was considered the best bet on guns, especially when exerted in the dual mode. Epic made an assurance that SMG is a wonderful weapon for close combat. It will make the experience of close fighting exciting and entertaining. It lives up to the expectation that one has from an SMG. According to SlashGear, SMG and Compact SMG accuracy bonus reduced from 35 percent to 15 percent. SMG damage reduced from 19/20/21 to 17/18/19 and compact SMG damage reduced from 23/24 to 21/22."
The current scenario seems as though the entire concentration is on SMG, and it is great now that Epic is letting its players get into close-quarter battle options apart from the shotgun.
They have even tried to nerf the shotgun battle gun that many players had actually used up, hence, interchanging it to an SMG is given as a key choice. Meanwhile, "Fortnite" is currently celebrating its first birthday and "there's a special set of challenges that, if you manage to complete, will unlock a new emote, spray, and bling," reports GameSpot.
SMG better than shotguns
In the Pro game this weekend, the SMG recreation was at its best, but with the announcement of a legendary version, it is going to be a far better deal. The SMG gun is a better deal than the shotguns. They are much better at ripping through the walls and even better when it rips apart players hiding behind the walls. The new variants have to prove their mettle before anyone opts for the shotguns again.
The historical weapons are yet to find their place again, more so because more prominence is been given to modern tactical weapons. The time-travel theme of season 5, could do well with the introduction of historical weapons like M1 Garands, western revolvers. It surely makes us wonder if the legendary SMG has more versions on the anvil; maybe the dual pistol! It only keeps getting better. Stay tuned for more "Fortnite" news and updates.