"Fortnite Battle Royale" players are already entering the sixth week of Season 4, and once again, challenges have been leaked. Even though these weekly challenges will be released in a few days, players have a chance to see what's waiting for them and prepare for it. It is unknown whether or not Epic Games will once again postpone these challenges, but they will most likely come out on between Tuesday and Thursday.

Just like it has been the case before, there are seven weekly challenges. Three of those challenges are hard and reward players with 10 Battle Stars, while four of them will give "Fortnite Battle Royale" players 5 Battle Stars.

If you are interested in checking out these challenges, keep reading the article. However, if you want to see them once they are released, please spot at this point.

1) Search supply drops

This will be one of the easiest challenges, but it might take a few games to complete as supply drops are relatively rare and many players will be going for them. To complete it, players will need to open 3 supply drops.

2) Deal damage with shotguns to opponents

"Fortnite Battle Royale" players will have to deal 1,000 damage to their enemies with a shotgun to complete this task. Considering that shotguns are incredibly powerful from close range, this can be easily done in one or two games.

3) Search chests in Loot Lake

This challenge will be one of the toughest ones since there aren't many chests in Loot Lake. Additionally, the area is hard to navigate, which will make this task even harder. It is unknown whether or not chests in the factories and houses by the lake will count, but if they do, that will make things much easier.

4) Spray over different Carbide or Omega posters

For this challenge, players will have to use their spray over seven different posters of these Season 4 skins. Once again, this challenge shouldn't be hard, but it might take a few games to complete.

5) Search between a Playground, Campsite, and a Footprint (Hard)

The first hard challenge will require players to find a Battle Star on the map.

It appears that in week 6, the Battle Star will be close to Greasy Grove. If you want to see how to complete this challenge, watch the video below.

6) SMG Eliminations (Hard)

Players will only need to get three eliminations with a submachine gun to complete this challenge. Considering that this weapon is powerful and that its suppressed variant was recently buffed, this should be very easy to do.

7) Eliminate opponents in Retail Row

Three eliminations in Retail Row will be enough to complete this challenge.