season 3 of "Fortnite Battle Royale" ends very soon and players will receive their final challenges this Thursday. After week 10, the season will conclude and Epic Games will most likely release a new season shortly after. While many players have already reached the maximum tier, there are some who are just a few tiers away from claiming the top reward, and the new challenges should help them reach this goal.

Just like it has been the case before, there will be seven challenges in the final week. Three of these challenges will be hard and reward players with 10 battle stars each, while the other four challenges will be worth 20 battle stars in total.

Completing four out of seven challenges will reward players with 4,000 Season XP.

1) Search chests in Fatal Fields

This week, "Fortnite Battle Royale" players will have to open chests in Fatal Fields in order to get five battle stars. Players will need to open seven chests to complete the challenge, and there is no doubt that this area will be a hot landing spot in a few days.

2) Deal headshot damage to opponents

The second challenge will require players to deal 250 headshot damage to their opponents. Considering that most weapons, especially a Pump Shotgun, are capable of dealing a massive headshot damage, players should have no trouble completing this task.

3) Search a chest in different named locations

There will be 12 chests in named locations that will have to be opened for this challenge. While there aren't any details about this challenge yet, it is hard to say whether players will have to open a specific chest or any chest that is located in a named location.

4) Skydive through floating rings

It seems that the fourth challenge of week 10 will be similar to the bullseye challenge "Fortnite Battle Royale" players had to complete in the third week. The challenge will most likely be doable only while skydiving off the bus or after using a launch pad. Players will have to skydive through 10 floating rings to complete the task.

5) Search between a Stone Circle, Wooden Bridge, and a Red RV (Hard)

The first hard challenge will require players to find a hidden Battle Star and earn a free Battle Pass tier. The Battle Star will probably be close to Tomato Town considering that this is where you can find a stone circle, a wooden bridge, and a red van.

6) Eliminate opponents (Hard)

The sixth challenge is pretty straight-forward: Eliminate 10 opponents.

7) Eliminate opponents in Pleasant Park (Hard)

The final challenge is similar to the sixth one, except it requires only three eliminations in Pleasant Park.