In the world of “The Sims," you can make life how you want it. While there are several DLC packs for each iteration of the game, one of the best ways to improve on your Simulated Life is to add mods (short for modifications). Mods are user-created content that a lot of games allow players to add to the game to add new features to the game. Mods for “The Sims” franchise have been around for years and range from making changes to the graphics (including the infamous mods that remove the pixelation from naked sims), adding or changing building structures, changing sim traits, and many, many more.

There are a ton of amazing mods made for “The Sims 4” to enhance gameplay. One of the worst aspects of finding a good mod is just that, searching through various sites and long lists to find the right mod to incorporate into your game. If you’re in search of what some players consider the best mods currently available for “The Sims 4” then look no further. Check out the list below to see what other users are adding to make their simulated life even better!

‘MC Command Center’

One of the most popular mods for “The Sims 4” is the "MC Command Center" mod. This mod is also known as the story progression mod.

Unfortunately, EA didn’t include story progression with “The Sims 4." The "MC Command Center" mod fixes this by allowing your sim’s town to progress and thrive without direct involvement from the player. This means that the sims in your town can go about their business of getting married, having jobs, starting a family, and more without the player having to play those houses. The "MC Command Center" mod comes with a whole bunch of other features to enhance the town. Some of these features include deleting homeless sims, deleting all vampires or aliens, setting default clothing for sims around town, altering pregnancy settings, and more.

‘Road To Fame’

This mod is similar to the celebrity status mode in “The Sims 3," but with tons of new features.

It includes new skills, such as Simstagram, modeling, and acting. There are various new types of NPCs included with this mod: fans, paparazzi, bodyguards, assistants, make-up artists, actors, directors, and more. It even includes new ways to make money and special related events. Some of the fun bits about this mod include: answering questions from the paparazzi, signing autographs, hosting meet & greets, and more. If you want your sim to enjoy the famous life they deserve, consider using this mod.

‘Get To College’

Also known as the "University Mod," the "Get to College" mod allows your sim to have the college experience in “The Sims 4." It includes different buildings, such as the Fine Arts Building and the Music Building, new interactions, such as streaking and asking questions, and new objects, such as a podium.

During University Days, there are different things to be done. On Activity Days, your sim will do things related to their major; like painting for Fine Arts. There are Lecture Days that involve your sim listening to lectures or asking questions. There are even Presentation Days that will have your sim give a presentation to the class! One of the nice bonuses of this mod is that if your sim passes their major, they will start their career at level 4!

Custom traits

Okay, so this isn’t a specific mod, but instead a bunch of mods. Sorry, that will make it harder to find the right one. However, there are a ton of custom trait mods out there; for literally every kind of trait you can imagine. If you feel that the selection of traits is too limited, or are curious as to what else is out there, trait mods come highly recommended.

Just as an example, here are some of the different types of trait mods you can find for “The Sims 4": gamer trait, drama queen trait, skanky trait, arrogant trait, angel & demon traits, hipster trait, sarcasm trait, repeaper trait, spiritual trait, and coffee lover trait. Most mod sites for “The Sims 4” list between 100 – 200 different trait mods.