"Knights Of Light" is a third person action adventure game set in Iraq during the Medieval period! Developed by Rumbling Games Studios, you'll follow an enticing narrative, with additional side quests, based on actual historical events that were never introduced before. The story revolves mainly around the climactic battles between the Sassanian empire and the Arab forces in the land of Iraq. The game will feature several playable side characters and one main character as the champion. The main characters and bosses will be based on actual historical figures, despite being a medieval based game.

The game will feature a hidden fantasy path, in the campaign, that the player can tap into, however, even this fantasy mode will be based on historical myths and legends of this period.

I had the opportunity to sit down and chat about "Knights of Light" with developer Ahmed Mousa and ask some questions about their game.


BN: What are some unique mechanics that "Knights of Light" apart from other games in the genre?

Mousa: The game will feature crafting and a skill tree, of course. The combat will feature hybrid between the hack n slash and the free flow style.

BN: Is this a linear story or are there side quests and other activities for players to experience?

Mousa: The story is quite non-linear and although the ending is the same, how you approach it is the difference. Side stories and quests will affect the some of the main story elements.

BN: Following that, what is the plot/story of "Knight of Light" and who do we play as?

Mousa: The story revolves mainly around the climactic battles between the Sassanian empire and the Arab forces in the land of Iraq.

The game will feature several playable side characters and one main character as the champion.

More about 'Knights of Light'

BN: What are your main inspirations for your game?

Mousa: "The Witcher" and "Shadow of War"

BN: A brief background of Rambling Games Studio, how did you all meet, and what are some unique challenges you've had to overcome?

Mousa: Originally we were a software development company that founded the studio. Some had a passion for games other had a passion for history. Our challenge was to recruit talented team members since the video game industry in Egypt is very poor and still limited. However after two years of R & D along with training and guiding our team we managed to reach the industry standards.

BN: Is there a slated release date you have in mind? Will this be available on Steam, console, or PC/Mac?

Mousa: The game will be on both PC & consoles, BUT it may be a Sony first exclusive.