"Fortnite" is the talk of the town. Trending beyond any other co-op ever has since its dawn in mid-2017, and still doing incredibly well amidst the gaming community, "Fortnite" is here to stay for a long time to come. Catering to the needs of players and upping their game in every way possible with each challenge and Battle Pass, "Fortnite" continues to prove that is it indeed, the modern gamers wet dream.

Having finely elucidated the necessary, for those of the uninitiated amongst us, "Fortnite" is an online co-op game that has its platform set on parallel planet earth that has been thoroughly ravaged by a storm, leaving behind plagued lands and infected zombie-like creatures. The objective of "Fortnite" revolves around players making their way through absurdity and chaos of the storm in randomly generated maps, indulging in refuging the survivors and co-operating with other players to defend and secure their belongings, while engaging in combat with the creatures that aim to obstruct their goals.

Battle Pass is out in the open

"Fortnite" Battle Pass Challenges are not a thing of the surprise for avid players of the game. However, earlier this week, the list of Battle Pass challenges for the corresponding current week were leaked to the online community before the official announcement. “Fortnite Tracker,” a website that assists players of the game to check stats and monitor leaderboards has gone ahead to ascertain the Battle Pass challenges for the 9th week of the third season.

The challenges include:

  • Being able to deal damage to foe structures
  • Access to the Haunted Hill chests
  • Being able to construct structures of your own
  • Being able to visit different Taco Shops in a single match
  • Moisty Mire treasure map unlocked
  • Shotgun Eliminations
  • Lucky Landing Eliminations

Show me your Game face

Battle Pass challenges are a great way for players to level up, gaining experience and fuelling their tiers to unlock more visual collectibles.

They’re a fantastic way to assess your experience and dexterity at the game while pushing you to challenge yourself more as your progress.

Every week has a whole new, different set of challenges, the aim is to finish it as quickly as one can, competing against everyone and making your mark on the leaderboards. While "Fortnite" is sporting the theme of Space as of now, it already seems apparent to the gamers as to what the next week might bring on their plate. Rings have been spotted around the map (also a comet, which there are certain speculations about), signifying that the next week's challenges may involve skydiving through those to boost your Battle Pass tier and reign supreme.