Xbox One is going back to nostalgia with "Turok" and "Turok 2." "Turok: Dinosaur Hunter" and "Turok 2: Seeds of Evil" are going to be available March 2. First coming out on PC via Nintendo 64, Turok was the adventurous and fun game everyone played, and now it's making a second comeback after it's 2008 release. What's even better is that you pre-order each of them now for $20.00 in the Microsoft store!

We're all here for its insane arsenal of weaponry, and over-the-top gory action scenes. Hopefully, there will be even more dinosaur fighting scenes.

Behind 'Turok: Dinosaur Hunter'

Night Dive Studios developed both the 1997 "Turok: Dinosaur Hunter" and the 1998 sequel "Turok 2: Seeds of Evil." The original release helped lay down the groundwork but had trouble going back-and-forth between first-person and third-person perspective, though it had cutting-edge graphics, fast-paced controls, and a great exploration environment. It also introduced a well-thought category of inventive weapons. The Night Dive CEO stated, "To that point, no game had ever offered the combination of graphics and an open world environment that Turok featured.

We are very excited to have the opportunity to bring this great franchise back to life and to be able to share these great titles with today’s gaming audience."

Story of 'Turok'

Turok is an Adventure based game based on the Valient's Comic book, which is full of dinosaurs and had creatures from the past and the from the future. It is itself is a unique game. It had an organic environment that gave players a sense of realism when playing. Hopefully, the story can progress to something more. Playing as the Native American hero, Turok wanders the land and fights all the land's creatures.

What can we expect?

Night Dive Studios has a lot of pressure on them with the consistency development of video games.

After the 2008 "Turok" released, it had better graphics, gory scenes, and bigger and better dinosaurs! The new 2018 release of "Turok" has to have the same level of evolution as past remakes. Textures in the game needed to be improved. The game lacked plot depth. Don't forget character movements. The realism of games today implies the improvement needed in "Turok".

We expect a better remake not just a new game format of the same 2008 release. We are excited about the new release of "Turo," and are ready to give Mircosoft our money and play to our heart's content.