Bungie has officially rolled out patch 1.1.2 that ushered in massive changes in "Destiny 2." It was then followed by the game's development roadmap that detailed the developer's future plans for the online-only shooter. However, it was observed that the game's next expansion - likely to be dubbed "Gods of Mars" was not mentioned. That being said, the devs made another follow up as to when it will be released.

Barrett confirms

Bungie's seemingly tireless Game Director Christopher Barrett has yet again taken to Twitter to announce that the mentioned game segment of "Destiny 2" will be out sometime in May. He did not disclose a definite date on when will it go live, though he made sure that it will go alongside season 3. Additionally, he went on stating that such intel was not "entirely clear" from their recently released development roadmap.

Per the development roadmap, update 1.2.0 is set to drop several tweaks and improvements in "Destiny 2." The following contents are most likely to be implemented in May:

  • Private matches
  • Multi Emote
  • Vault Space Increase
  • Exotic Masterworks
  • Eater of Worlds Prestige Mode
  • Seasonal Crucible rankings
  • Faction Rallies improvements
  • Seasonal Vendor Progression
  • Mods System improvements

Sandbox changes down the pipeline

DeeJ, on the other hand, also tweeted that Sandbox Design Lead Josh Hamrick will "speak at length" in today's blog post as he is slated to give out details about the sandbox changes that are bound to happen.

He gave a heads up though that the release dates of the inbound "D2" patches that were posted on the roadmap are still subject to change. However, he assured the community that if such would happen, they'll be "refreshing the dialogue with new expectations."


Meanwhile, the "Destiny 2" community is pretty much aware by now about the recent posting of Microsoft's official store regarding the game's second DLC. Nevertheless, the information that was posted on the DLC's description was pretty vague and there's nothing too much to talk about.

There's also an alleged leak coming from a Redditor known as DarkS0ul which he claimed to have come from the same store. It was, later on, found out that it was just an elaborate hoax and the Redditor already deleted the misleading post.

Update 1.1.3 will be released on February 27 while the next game tweak (1.1.4) will go live on March 27. Bungie has yet to disclose a specific release date for the "Gods of Mars" expansion and "Destiny 2's" third season. In the meantime, check out a video about the game here: