The latest updates for the "Spider-Man" PS4 game reveal new gameplay features being tested by Insomniac Games. GamesRadar reported that the developers are preparing the game for a test run in order to see the results of their hard work and sleepless nights. The play-test session will provide more data, and come up with new ideas to fix and improve gameplay.

Creative director Bryan Intihar revealed new details about Miles Morales in the game. Miles will be one of the many supporting characters in the "Spider-Man" game and Intihar teased that his role in the story will much larger than it was originally intended to be.

What's new in the game

According to GamesRadar, design director Brian Horton has been testing the "Spider-Man" game and tweeted updates about its gameplay. While he did not indicate the number of hours he has been playing, Horton stated that he is in his third playthrough and he is enjoying the benefits of their hard work.

The new "Spidey" game will have an interesting story that puts players in the shoes of Peter Parker as he struggles to balance his ordinary life and being a vigilante in New York City. Players will enjoy their time traveling the city by swinging and wall-crawling on buildings and fighting criminals on the streets. They will also have the ability to explore more areas as Peter and interact with other characters in the game.

Peter will face a new enemy in the game, Martin Li, a.k.a. Mister Negative. Other Spider-Man villains such as Wilson Fisk, Shocker, and Norman Osborn will be featured in the game as potential boss characters. The combat system will be more fluid than the previous Spidey titles, as it featured the use of different web attacks and close combat techniques that will rival the "Batman: Arkham" games.

More on Miles Morales

Bryan Intihar revealed new details about Mile's role in the game as he told GamesTM that his minimal participation in the story has been expanded and he wants to see the growth of his interactions with Peter and other characters.

" I just fell in love with the characters," Intihar said. "Just like MJ can provide a different perspective on the world, I thought Miles and his relationship to Peter brings something different.

Miles in the game is a friend of Peter from his neighborhood and has volunteered to help May Parker in the homeless shelter. Insomniac Games stated that the relationship between the two Spider-Men is one of the most important aspects of the plot.