Epic Games has recently shelled out a unique update that literally made players dance on the battlefield known as the Boogie Bomb. However, the developer recently tweeted that they will be making tweaks to the funk induced grenade.

'Too much Boogie in our Bomb'

According to a recent tweet by Epic, they announced that they will be nerfing the boogie bomb's duration, adding that they've "put a little too much Boogie" in their bomb. The developer then stated that they're about to reduce the bomb's dancing effect down to five seconds from its original 10.

They further explained that this move will reduce players' frustration with its current state in the game.

Additionally, they revealed some of the suggestions that they will be evaluating regarding the Boogie Bomb. Some of the things that they're putting into consideration include:

  • Allowing players to build while dancing
  • A so-called "dance zone" where the dancing effect wears off when the receiving end leaves the area
  • The dancing effect getting disabled whenever the player is taking some hits
  • The removal of its instant explosion making it similar to that of a normal grenade that bounces and explodes afterwards

Inventory and build issues addressed

Epic also addressed the inventory/build issue within the game where players' inventory has gone missing while some of them were unable to build.

The game maker has rolled out a couple of updates to provide workarounds for these inconveniences.

For the build issue, the developer announced that a fix has been issued. However, they stated that they might not be able to restore the inventory items that got lost due to the bug, though they will compensate the players who were affected by it.

As for the missing V-Bucks and inventory issue, Epic stated that they are as of late compensating affected players adding that missing inventory players can expect to be compensated today, December 29.

They went on advising other players to notify them in the event that the comp did not push through on their end.

High Explosives mode goes live

Meanwhile, The High Explosives limited time mode just went live. As the name suggests, the new game mode will involve Fortnite's powerful weapons as players can only use rocket launchers, snowball launchers, and all types of grenades. Epic also stated that this new game mode will disable traps, though consumables are still present.

The developer added that the game mode will be running from December 28 until January 2 next year. Check out a video about the game here: