A game of "Call of Duty Wwii" went horribly wrong as a 28-year-old man lost his life after he was shot by responding police officers as a result of a swatting hoax that involved a couple of arguing gamers. The so-called hacker/swatter who called in about the false hostage situation finally speaks up to share his side of the story.

He goes by the name SWAuTistic

Well-known YouTuber and Twitch gamer Keemstar covered the news on his YT channel known as DramaAlert.

Per the YouTuber, a known swatter and hacker that goes by the moniker SWAuTistic was the one who made the fake phone call to the police that resulted in the shooting incident.

Keem even managed to interview the alleged swatter as he pointed out that someone called him about a kid who thinks "nothing's going to happen." He then followed the person whom he is going to swat and the kid even gave him an address with a message that seemingly dares him to do the swatting.

During the interview, he admitted to the swatting. However, Keem showed a tweet from the hacker stating that he did not kill the person since he is not the one who discharged a weapon and went on stating that "being an S.W.A.T.

member is not his profession."

When asked if he takes full responsibility for what had happened, the swatter said that he believes that he is "not the only guilty party" adding that is still "debatable." Keem also asked if he was also involved in what had happened at this year's Major League Gaming (MLG) event in Dallas and he admitted to that major swatting fiasco as well.

On the same team

Per the YouTuber's pinned comment on his channel, the gamers – MiRuHcle and Baperizer were on a heated argument after they lost the "Call of Duty" match that has a pot prize of just $1.50. According to reports, it was Baperizer that called SWAuTistic to swat MiRuHcle. As mentioned, MiRuHcle then DMed the swatter challenging him to go on with the swat.

Instead of giving his own address, he messaged an address nearby his area where the Wichita Police responded to.

Does not even play video games

A family member identified the victim as Andrew Finch (Andy to his family), 28, and a father of two. One of his cousins stated in an interview that Finch does not even play video games. Wichita's Deputy Police Chief Troy Livingston, on the other hand, stated in a recent police briefing that the call was "a little peculiar" for them. He further explained that the call first came into one of their substations, then to dispatch before the call was relayed to them.

As of late, there is a GoFundMe link that was being put up to pay for his funeral expenses. Check out a video of Keemstar's interview with the swatter here: