Released in May 2016, "Overwatch" has been one of the most popular titles in video gaming world. This 6-on-6 first-person shooter is very fun to play and Blizzard keeps updating it with new content very often. Halloween Terror event recently ended, yet Blizzard has another treat for "Overwatch" players. In the following days, Moira, a new hero, will be released to the game.
At the moment, Moira is only playable on the Public Test Realm, but it appears that the game developer intends to release her this week. In addition, Blizzard will make "Overwatch" free for a few days, so many new players will join and experience this amazing game.
Even though there are already millions of active "Overwatch" players, there is only a small group of them who knows every single detail about the game. Do you think you are one of those players? If you are not sure, check out the "Overwatch" Quiz below and test your knowledge of the game!
'Overwatch' quiz questions
There are 10 questions in the "Overwatch" quiz and they will test your knowledge of different parts of the game. While most of the questions are related to the in-game characters, you might lose some points if you are not familiar with heroes' abilities or with maps.
- What is the name of the bird that accompanies Bastion?
- What is Junkrat's real name?
- How old is D.Va?
- What "Overwatch" character says this voice line: "Let's gather some valuable data on this mission"?
- How many hybrids maps are currently in "Overwatch"?
- Which of these heroes was not an original member of Overwatch?
- What is the name of Winston's AI assistant?
- What is D.Va's last name?
- Is Symmetra the only hero with two different ultimate abilities?
- What is the cooldown on Ana's Biotic Grenade?
Answering these questions should not be very difficult considering that you are given multiple choices.
Even if you are in doubt, there is a 25-percent chance that you will get it right! Furthermore, the question about Symmetra only has two different answers, so that one should be very easy.
Once you are done with the "Overwatch" quiz, you will be given your results. Having up to two correct answers will give you the lowest rank, while you will be considered an "Overwatch" expert if you manage to give the right answer to 9 or 10 questions.
Do you have what it takes to get the maximum score in this "Overwatch" quiz? Feel free to take the quiz, answer the questions, and share your result with others!