“Pokemon Go” is the most popular augmented reality title in the gaming world today. The team behind the successful game has been continuously releasing content, activities, and events to keep the players engaged.
Even though the major Gym update was released four months ago, players are still coming up with strategies to make the most out of the Gyms and their experience. The latest strategy involves conquering the Gyms in 12 minutes.
Tips and tricks
On Reddit, a user named kk5566 shared a video on how to utilize the latest strategy in Pokemon Go" Gyms.
This enables players to overpower a team of Gym Defenders in just 12 short minutes. The latest tactic is built on the 2/9 HP strategy. Players whittle down the HP of a defending pocket monster to two-ninths of its overall HP.
In order to successfully do this, a team composed of five players should go into battle one. They will attack the defender until it reaches its 2/9 threshold. When this point is reached, one team member must stay behind and continue the attack. That player will continuously do it until the pocket monster can be defeated with a single charge move. When the player reaches that threshold, the player attacking the creature will have to stop and wait.
The remaining players in the team will leave battle one and get into battle two.
They will also attack the Gym defender until the 2/9 threshold, again when the 2/9 threshold is reached, and another member will have to stay behind until a single charge mode is required. While the second player is attacking, the other members proceed to battle three.
Charge move stage
When all the three battles are at the charge move stage, players in this stage will have to use their charge respective charge moves.
In other words, three Gym Defenders will be defeated all at once. Players must perform this process in 99 seconds or lower. This way, the first battle will not start timing the team. The Redditor recommends allotting at most a couple of minutes for the first defender. The rest of the defenders must be defeated in 10 minutes or less.
This latest strategy discovered by players is not easy to pull off. It requires undivided coordination and five members who will perfectly play their part. The key to this strategy is teamwork and coordination. On the part of the Gym defenders, they need not worry too much. Instead, they have to be prepared for this kind of strategy, or they will lose to it.