After previous leaks, Blizzard has finally confirmed that the “OverwatchHalloween terror 2017 is finally happening. They recently shared a short teaser on Twitter, confirming the upcoming event. While we still don’t know much about the event, we will be getting at least two new skins. That said, it also seems like we’ll be getting the same seasonal brawl from last year.

Official reveal

According to Polygon, Blizzard just announced that the highly-awaited event will be returning next week! The event will officially begin on Oct. 11 and will run until Nov. 2, giving fans ample enough time to collect skins and enjoy the extra game mode. The short teaser features McCree and Reaper wearing different costumes, so they’ll be getting some new skins for the event.

“Overwatch” Halloween Terror was arguably the best event last year, with its amazing event skins and seasonal brawls. That said, it’s also likely that fans will be able to purchase those same Halloween skins from last year.

That aside, it also seems like we’ll be getting the same event brawl from last year. Junkenstein appears to be the main mascot for Halloween Terror again, hinting at the fan-favorite Junkenstein’s Revenge brawl. Last year, four players composing of Ana, Soldier: 76, Hanzo, and McCree had to work together to defend Eichenwalde Castle from zombie omnics. It’s still unsure how the brawl will work this year, but many veterans will be pleased to play the seasonal brawl again.

New comic

On a different note, Blizzard has also been adding new content to the expanding “Overwatch” lore. They’ve recently released a new comic that focuses on the Russian soldier, Zarya. Titled “Searching,” the events take place after the “Infiltration” cinematic wherein Sombra blackmails Katya Volskaya with pictures of her working with the Omnics.

Katya assigns Zarya on a mission to hunt down Sombra which prompts her on a globetrotting adventure.

After stumbling across various roadblocks, Katya calls for some help and assigns an Omnic hacker to help Zarya. The Russian soldier absolutely hates Omnics, but the comic shows how her views alter slightly as they work together. In the end, they manage to track Sombra in Dorado. Zarya and Sombra scuffle before the hacker blows up her base. We’re left with Zarya questioning her ideals and motivations as she decides to head back to Russia. Those who want to play “Overwatch” can get a copy for the PC, PlayStation 4, or Xbox One.