“Final Fantasy XV” released late last year on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One after its long 10-year development. The game received mixed reviews. On one hand, it drew flak for a flawed storyline. On the other, fans and critics lauded the game for its breathtaking graphics. While it seems Square Enix is finally ready to tackle other projects, game director Hajime Tabata and his team will still be creating more content for "Final Fantasy XV."
More content coming
So far, Tabata and rest of the "FFXV" development team have been steadily releasing new content like paid character episodes over the past few months.
Because of this, we’ve learned more about characters like Prompto and Gladio, while also getting the chance to explore Eos using an off-road Regalia. These welcome changes have slowly been filling in the missing features in the game.
According to Siliconera, the company recently held another Active Time Report live stream during Tokyo Game Show 2017. There, they revealed that they plan to continue developing the game next year. They claimed that this decision came from strong demands by fans asking for more “Final Fantasy XV” content. In line with this, Tabata mentioned that they’ll be creating more content aside from the ongoing character episodes, with the main purpose of expanding the game’s world.
That said, the highly-anticipated Episode Ignis will be launching this December. Square Enix has yet to share what other content they have in mind, but they have a lot to work do if they want to completely patch everything in the game. In forums and social media, many fans are asking for an Arydn or Lunafreya DLC, so there’s a chance we might see those character episodes in the near future.
Porting it over
The company is also busy trying to port the game over to other systems. They have already announced a Windows Edition coming sometime next month. This version will support various Nvidia technology to enhance both gameplay and graphics, while you can record and share your gameplay with the GeForce feature.
They’re also releasing a Pocket Edition for iOS and Android later this Fall. This version will include the same cast and characters, except the game uses chibi models instead of realistic graphics. The battle system has also been overhauled with touch controls, tweaking it for casual audiences. Tabata and his team are also trying to fit the main game into the Nintendo Switch, but they are still trying to test the game on the hybrid console.