In the gaming world, upcoming titles and new IPs are kept hidden by developers and publishers until they are ready to announce it. However, gaming enthusiasts nowadays have many options in gathering details about these unannounced titles. One of the sources of this information is through job listings posted by game developers.

Most of the time, the descriptions of these job postings serve as clues that give away the upcoming projects the developers are working on or plan to develop in the future.

Recently, a job listing from Treyarch has triggered a lot of speculation from fans. One of these is the arrival of the highly anticipated title, “Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.”

Job Listing

In its official website, game developer Treyarch listed several job openings for its upcoming project in 2018. According to the listing, the next COD game will be set in a Modern Era. The description in the job listing includes experience in combat design on a triple-A competitive shooter. The studio is also looking for those with a deep knowledge base in firearms and modern military technology.

Aside from those, the applicants must also possess previous experience in design, entire gameplay content in both systems and moment to moment levels.

Most importantly, the applicants must be at least Prestige 1 level or above in “Black Ops 3” Multiplayer.

Pattern of release

In one of its article, the blog site Otakukart claims that the developers of every “COD” game release a new title in every three-year cycle. According to the site, 2018 is Treyarch's turn to create the next game in the popular franchise. Also, the article says that other games like “COD: Advanced Warfare” and “COD: Infinite Warfare” are not that popular and there is a slim chance that a sequel is coming to either of the titles. However, the site claims that there is a good chance that “Call of Duty: Black Ops 4” would be in the works given the popularity of the series.

While the latest job listing by Treyarch is not directly claiming anything, the interpretation always depends on the receiver’s end.

The game developer’s move of going back to modern day setting as revealed in the most recent job listing is impressive and could bring players back.

It is possible that the listing is for a new spin-off or upcoming content for one of its games. While these are just speculations, we could not deny the likelihood of “Call of Duty: Black Ops 4” of getting released in 2018. As the year’s end is nearing, if there is indeed a new game from Treyarch, it will be just a matter of time that fans will hear more details about it.