Nintendo recently revealed their newest character named "Lola Pop" who has been added to the fighter roster. In addition, constant updates were released to make sure that players' needs and gaming experience are in top shape. Other than adding new characters and improving "Arms" game experience, fixes and additional features are constant.
Now, a new update version 3.0 adds a special button configuration option for players.
They can change the buttons however they want them to be, suiting their play style and preferences.
A Twitter post has been publicly released via ARMS from Japan that announced the update. A new "controller remapping" option will be available soon.
Twitter post from 'Arms' official page
The Twitter post via Arms from Japan roughly translates, "In Version 3 (update), buttons can now be changed through controller remapping option. This button can be a rush button, guard action any way you can adjust it!"
Of course, this is good news for fans who have waited for this simple yet essential update for "Arms." Hopefully, Nintendo will add more characters that will spice things up in the battlefield and maintain the excellent game experience as well.
Shaping up to be an e-sport
Following the character update for Max Brass, Lola Pop is one unique character that can blow up to increase her defenses. This is useful for players who are attuned to playing defensive-type players. Offense is the good defense, but a good defense could make a good offense. Balance, tactics, and skills are included in this game, which make it enjoyable for both beginners and experts. For a refresher, here is the character trailer for Lola Pop below from Nintendo:
As stated in the trailer above, Lola Pop is popping her way in the update as well. The female clown pugilist paves her way to the character roster as a defensive type fighter. Other than the numerous updates that Nintendo releases, their other game entitled "Splatoon 2" gets equal shares of updates as well.
More weapons and fixes are updated in the said game.
"Arms" is now out for Nintendo Switch, and as Nintendo keeps up their huge progress, the game is shaping up to be an enjoyable game for everyone to play. Future and constant updates will come soon, just as they planned from the start. Who knows, perhaps in the future the game may shape up to be the best e-sports game that tests players' skills and tactics.