Recent news unveiled by Sony has Confirmed the release of the Playstation 5. The Ps5 will be a massive improvement over the PS4, as the company is aiming high and expects to get the next generation console out sometime next year. The exact Release Date of the system is not yet known, but some clues have been provided and we can certainly speculate on when it will be released.
Possible Release Date.
The PS5 certainly won't be released at any point in 2017, but rumors suggest that the console could make its debut as early as the second half of 2018. The idea of that may shock some, but the source behind the rumor has some credibility. Damian Thong, an analyst at Macquarie Capital Securities, suggested this information, but he also correctly predicted the release of the PS4 slim and the PS4 Pro. That makes it likely that the PS5 could actually be released in the second half of 2018.
And whether or not the PS5 will eventually be released is a question that has already been answered.
Shawn Layden, CEO of Sony, confirmed that the PS5 will be released in an interview with German news website Golem. The CEO himself suggested that the company would take some time before coming out with their new innovation, but gave no timeline or possible release date.
What to Expect.
Fans of the PS5 need to keep their ears open and pay attention to the news, as Sony will definitely try to build up excitement for the product once they know when it will be released. For now, the company will likely leak small bits of information hinting at the final release date, but this timeline will eventually become clear once Sony needs to promote their product.
For now, the Xbox One X launch in November should be at the forefront of everyone's mind.
This new high tech edition will soon become available on the market and fans are expecting big things from the console. If it disappoints or flops, it's possible that the production of a PS5 is halted, especially when the PS4 is doing so well.
E3 Announcement?
Normally big gaming news is announced at E3, but there was no mention of a PS5 at the highly attended event. Despite that lack of an announcement, the PS5 has been confirmed, even though there is no set release date just yet. Fans might just have to wait until the next E3, or even longer, to even have the opportunity to purchase the higher tech console version. For now, we have the rumor that the PS5 could be released in the latter half of 2018, but nothing has been confirmed yet.